Saturday 14 November 2009

I A C Membership & A New Article Published

I was honoured last month to have been accepted as a member of the International Academy of Ceramics. The above images from their website.
I have also had a new article on developing translucent bodies published in the latest issue of Ceramics Technical (no 29) This excellent journal, originally from Australia, is now published in the US

1 comment:

Eugene Hon said...

Well done Mr Shirley - trust this will be the beginning of your international career. Deservedly so, and long overdue. Living on the most southern tip, on the continent of Africa, one of the most beautiful countries, has its advantages but gaining recognition abroad in a craft form facing unique challenges during a major international economic recession is really tough. I hope this is the beginning of many achievements that open up opportunities for participation in international ceramic events abroad. Great Stuff.