Tuesday, 29 October 2013

White on White

A new example of my white on white work. Bone china with applied surface treatment.

Monday, 28 October 2013

New Explorations

I have been experimenting with mixing small amounts of oxide into my soluble salt solutions, producing results that I find to be very exciting. Below are 2 examples from a recent firing that I am particularly pleased with.

Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Images from Current Exhibitions

Here are 3 images of my work on the 2 exhibitions mentioned in my previous post. Thanks to Pamela Schroeder and Eugene Hӧn
Bone China with trailed surface. Image: Pam Schroeder
Bone China with painted soluble salt decoration. Image: Eugene Hӧn

Bone china with wax resist and layered application of soluble salts.
Image: Eugene Hӧn

Monday, 8 April 2013

Two Exhibitions open this Weekend

This weekend sees the opening of 2 exhibitions on which I will be showing work.
The first, opening on Saturday, is 'Fragile' and exhibition by The Porcelain Collective, an initiative comprising 9 Gauteng ceramists working in porcelain and bone-china.
This will be followed on Sunday by The UltraFurn Regional Exhibition, hosted by Ceramics Southern Africa. This is an annual show showcasing the work of the Gauteng members of the association.

Saturday, 23 February 2013


I urge you to make every effort to see this beautiful exhibition!

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Creating Context

I know mid-February is late for a first blog post of the year, particularly if it is to create a purpose or an intention for the year. Well, it is mid-February and here is my first post for this year on the topic of creating a context for the year ahead.
What do I want to do differently this year and what will be my focus. I will continue with my work of both making and teaching ceramics. For me it is difficult to say which of these is more important. They are so intertwined and each nurtures the other. My work is stronger through my teaching and vice-versa.
My desire to make a difference is as strong if not stronger than ever and my thirst for a better understanding and further knowledge of my chosen medium never diminishes.
I do not intend to bore you with a list of individual goals, those are for me to make and either adhere to or discard as I travel my path through this year, suffice it to say that I choose to be present in whatever endeavour I am involved in and to make whatever mark I make to the best of my ability.